Talking to Beluga

It concerns the peculiarities of communication between beluga whales- the most highly intelligent animals on earth. Unique beautiful aerial cinematography, shooting on and under water.
The film Talking To Beluga is a detailed story about the Russian scientific expedition of the Institute of Oceanology, how the scientists try to understand the language of beluga whales and even try to communicate with them. Ivan Zatevakhin told about the twists and turns of this unusual acquaintance at the shores of Solovetsky archipelago at the presentation of the film at the festival "Pervozdannaya Rossia", which is being held in the Central House of Artists.
The most difficult, according to the lead, it was to establish a trust-based relationship with the mammals. "First of all, You should know the right places. And the second — you must be able to shoot under water.
Because nobody has ever taken them so as we took them under water in the White Sea. We were shooting them in ice-holes, when they had nowhere to escape. Here they can go away. We just know the place where they come, but on the other hand, we know how to shoot them so that they are not scared and we did it!"- said the author of the project, Cand. Sc. (Biology) Ivan Zatevakhin.