Live Stories with Ivan Zatevakhin

The best animal videos carefully selected from the worldwide network including ones from Ivan Zatevakhin’s video blog will amaze even the most advanced Internet users! All creatures great and small pull off such things that you have never seen before! Author’s comments made as comic strips will animate home videos even more and definitely make you smile!
The authors of the most interesting videos will be invited to the show studio where their talented pets will try to repeat things that they masterly do at home – remove rubbish, put up stacking toys, wash, dance and even speak! Yes, do not be surprised! But still do be surprised and smile!
Who is smarter ¬– a cat or a crow? Who is funnier – a puppy or a mini pig? Who will get a master’s supper, slippers and a fluffy sofa? Watch all this in the top animal videos!
Will a dog drive a car into a garage? Will it learn to say “mama”? Will it withstand temptation to eat the stage property? What paw will it propose the host to shake? Watch all this in our studio, on the first take, online!
Live reactions, live emotions, successes and mistakes, laugh and tenderness, a positive charge for the whole weekend! “Live Stories with Ivan Zatevakhin”!